If you are having issues connecting to the Embody servers, ensure your Call of Duty game is allowed through the Windows Defender Firewall. This article has two parts:
- Adding Inbound Rule
- Adding Outbound Rule
Part 1: Adding Inbound Rule
- From the start menu -> go to Windows Defender Firewall
- Click on: Allow an app or feature through Windows firewall.
- Click on “Change settings” on the right top.
- Click on “Allow another app”:
5. Click on Browse.
6. Select Call of Duty game application path. To find the path:
A. Through Steam:
1. Open Steam -> Library and right-click on "Call of Duty" application.
2. Select "Properties" then click on "Local Files" to view the application directory.
B. Through Battle.net:
1. Open Battle.net -> Game Library and click on "Call of Duty" application.
2. Select "Game Settings" to see the application directory.
7. Check both boxes for private and public.
Part 2: Adding Outbound Rule
1. Go to “Advanced Settings”
2. Click on “Outbound rule” -> “New rule
3. Click on Rule type, select “Program”
4. Browse to the location of your COD game and select it.
5. Check “Allow Connection”. Set it for Domain, Private and Public and click FInish.
You have now setup your firewall exception!
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